In Case Of Emergency (ICOE) Form Student Name* First Last Date of Birth Month Day Year Gender Emergency Contact* First Last Relationship* Emergency Contact Email* Emergency Contact Phone*Alternate Emergency PhoneName of Primary Physician Physician PhonePlease check if the student has had any of the following conditions or considerations: Heart Lungs Stomach Intestine Kidney Eating Disorders Vision/Hearing Blood Pressure Migraines Fainting/Epilepsy Anemia Arthritis/Fractures/Sprains Anxiety Mental Illness Processing Disorders ADD or ADHD Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities Autism / related spectrum disorders If there is anything current or ongoing about the student's health, mental outlook, processing skills, or behavior that has been specifically helpful at school (or at home) please offer our teaching team the opportunity to benefit from that knowledge. Disclosed information is confidential, used only to assist the instructor with developmental needs in the classroom:Are the student’s immunizations up to date?*(No need to submit medical records) Yes No Is the student taking any medications regularly?* Yes No If yes, list the medication(s) the student is taking: Is the student allergic to any medication?* Yes No If yes, list the medication(s) the student is allergic to: Does the student have any other allergies (foods, bee stings, etc.)?* Yes No If yes, list the other allergies: Does the student carry an EpiPen, Inhaler, or other emergency rescue device?* Yes No If yes, list the emergency device(s), and anything we should know: If the Student has a headache, would you like the BTC office to administer the following?* Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Ibuprofen (Advil) Do Not Administer Any Additional Message for BTC?Permission for Emergency Treatment/VerificationI affirm that the information provided on this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.Parent/Guardian signature* Today's Date* Month Day Year