
Support Us

Thank you for keeping Broadway Training Center in mind for your charitable giving!

Click the Donate button above for a contribution via Credit Card, Debit Card, or PayPal
Donate by electronic transfer via Zelle to Donate@BroadwayTraining.com
Send a donation by check to:

Broadway Training Center
10 Washington Ave
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706

Make a Gift of Stock by clicking the button below!

BTC is constantly trying to find ways to continue offering amazing classes, shows, and programs. We rely heavily on support and donations from our patrons and our families (past & present), since tuitions alone are not enough to keep our organization running. If BTC has touched your life in a positive way, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to our not-for-profit organization. Any amount you can give is appreciated.

Tax ID: 13-3753610

Support us at Amazon!

When shopping at Amazon, use our link below, and BTC will get up to 10% of your purchase, with no additional cost to you!